beauty beast

  • #12

    maybe little more info:
    installation of the engine control will be from c20xe (with ECU)
    that's Motronic 2.8 with DIS - ignition maps in this engine is better than c20ne, in my opinion my engine will be more dynamic and have more power than standard steering
    one little problem: the hall's sensor in c20xe, but i have one devil's conception... i hope that will be working...

    I intend to increase the transit of air to the engine, because the old MAF having the fold causes less air movement, a new type of circular allows for more

    c20xe therefore control - beyond the burning explosion sensor, which will not head lower combustion reason explosion ignition (i don't know how this write in english - sorry for errors ;) )
    I intend to work on the head 1mm lower for higher compression ratio and to raise the engine power
    maybe some part from c20seh...

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von ArKos ()

  • #15

    distance from the rear wheels is greater about 60mm for a side, all is about 12cm wide

    I bet rings 25mm spacers on the wheel

    I know A rear suspension springs are inversely

    finds out after the fact, as it :wink:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von ArKos ()

  • #17

    new year, new changes...
    c20ne is a history - now will be c20xe
    i was bought 2 engines in good prices, so without stupid ideas i was mounted one of them
    all is new or like new - head... new vavle guides, new valve sealants, valves was grinding, bypass oil channel (head KS700), everything...
    every gasket is new, screws is new - ARP2000, forged pistons MAHLE...

    here are photo gallery in 2009 year

    best regards

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ArKos ()

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